A tummy tuck, also known as the mommy makeover, will tighten your tummy.
Beverly Hills Tummy Tuck
Also known as a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills, "abdominoplasty" is a surgical procedure which removes excess skin and fatty tissue on the middle and lower part of the abdomen. This type of surgical procedure is quite popular in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. Tummy tuck procedures are mostly sought after by men and women who want to trim down their protruding tummy and flatten the abdominal area for a leaner and more appealing look.
Is a Tummy Tuck right for you?
There are people who exercise or diet strenuously, but the bulge on their tummy just won’t go away. Regular exercise, healthy lifestyle and diet one would expect to help you have a firm and flat tummy. It can be quite frustrating if you are one of the many individuals who cannot rid of the excess fat around the mid-section of the body and in the abdominal area. If you are one of these people, a tummy tuck can help you solve that problem. It is very effective for women who have excess skin and stretched muscles resulting from pregnancy.
Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Kim, performs a tummy tuck by using liposuction to remove the excess fat and shape the abdomen and tightening the skin. To make a very aesthetically pleasing waist it may be recommended that you have liposuction performed on your "love handles" as well.
The recovery period for a tummy tuck usually lasts six to eight weeks. Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Kim, advises patients to avoid strenuous activities within this period. Tummy tuck patients will go home the same day after the surgical procedure is performed at our Beverly Hills Center. On the day of the surgery, small tubes that act as a drain are inserted on the operated area in order to avoid fluid collection on the affected area. These small tubes are usually removed five to eight days after the tummy tuck procedure. However, there is no set time; Dr. Kim will inform you when the removal of the drains should occur according to your individual needs. Pain, swelling and bruising are usually experienced during the first two to three weeks after the operation, although this can be relieved by oral pain medication and antibiotics. The Beverly Hills tummy tuck surgeon, Dr. Kim, will also provide the patient with instructions to follow during the recovery period.
After the tummy tuck, you will see your tummy become leaner and much firmer.